Originating in China over 5000 years ago acupuncture has been embraced all over the world due to its proven effectiveness. Acupuncture is a complete medical system that is used to diagnose and may help to treat illness, pain relief, prevent dis...
The traditional Chinese medicine approach to exercise differs to the common Western approach. Exercise is actually as much about the inside as it is about the outside. Our bodies extract energy from movement and activity, which benefits differe...
Over thousands of years, Chinese herbalists have formulated medicines using herbal remedies and natural supplements to balance the body and promote good health. At the Acupuncture and Herbology Clinic we can supply a range of herbs and suppleme...
You can expect your first visit to last about an hour. I will begin by asking you to fill out a complete medical history form, which we will discuss in detail to determine your health history and the issues you wish to address. ...
Chinese medicine has an interesting perspective to food and eating for better health. The principles of Chinese medicine advocate eating sensibly and fulfilling your individual body’s needs. Foods are assessed on their en...